Canvas prints - portraits

Portraits are an interesting way to decorate your wall. If you want to go for a classic illustration, we have famous paintings in our collection. Portraits by Gauguin or Van Gogh can also decorate your wall. They work well as a single decoration on the wall and as an element of a larger composition.

Canvas prints - portraits
Portraits [results: 219]
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Canvas prints - portraits

Portrait on home wall

If you want to diversify the look of your interior in an interesting way, we offer you wall portraits. They can be made in a small format or dominate the room, forming the main element of decoration. This is a common choice in decorating a living room by owners who want to reach for something original. Here we come with paintings prepared by us.


Portraits that we offer are printed on durable canvas. The works have a minimalistic finish where the canvas is closer to the paintings understood in a traditional way, although it does not have a classic frame. The print also covers the sides of the painting, which gives it a lightness and more modern style compared to traditional paintings.

 Also, check glass prints with portraits.